Is your Agency taking advantage of the BVP?
Apr 17, 2023
The Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) was enacted as law in 1998 as a U.S. Department of Justice initiative designed to provide funding to purchase body armor for law enforcement. Since 1999, BVP has awarded $447 million to over 13,000 jurisdictions nationwide helping to purchase more than 1.3 million vests.
The Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act currently allows jurisdictions to be reimbursed up to 50% of the cost of body armor purchased for law enforcement officers. Current law gives priority funding to jurisdictions with fewer than 100,000 residents. To be eligible to qualify for the reimbursement, body armor purchased must comply with the most current NIJ body armor standards as of the date of purchase and the agency is required to have a mandatory wear policy.
Participation in BVP may be achieved in 3- Easy Steps:
Step 1: Register Online – Continuous Open Registration and you are encouraged to do it NOW!!! New users can provide contact and banking information throughout the year.
Step 2: Online Application – This is done during the Open Application Period which is Typically in Q1 and most recently was 4/11-5/29. On the application, agencies will identify the total number, type, and projected cost of vests for each eligible participating law enforcement officer. * * You must complete Steps 1 and 2 by the Application Closing Date.
The BVP program makes funding decisions three to four months after the "open application period" ends. DOJ Funding Decisions are typically decided and allocated in September/October time. Applicants are then notified via email regarding approved funding levels. Remember that priority funding is granted to jurisdictions of 100,000 residents and less.
You may purchase your vest before the Open Application Period but NOT sooner than 1 April to qualify for reimbursement. The vests are required to meet most current NIJ standards and be on the CPL. Vests can be purchased through any vest distributor meeting these requirements.
Step 3: Online Payment/Reimbursement Requests – Reimbursements will be submitted any time after purchasing your vests and once vests are delivered, complete an online receiving report and request for payment.
HighCom is proud to serve the women and men in Law Enforcement across the Country and would be honored to help you and your agency with obtaining body armor approved for BVP funding.
Please visit our dedicated resource page for more information here: https://highcomarmor.com/pages/bvp-program
- To learn more about the BVP program visit them online at: https://ojp.gov/bvpbasi/
- Register Online: https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/bvp/login/externalAccess.jsp
- FAQ: https://ojp.gov/bvpbasi/bvpfaqs.htm
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